Tuesday 17 July 2012

Media Hype Versus Reality

Medium is the link that connects individuals with each other and with the world.We have our personal contacts , Visits, functions, gathering as prime medium to be aware of  each other. with the progress in Info Tech Mediums have took new dimensions. Link being established through Radio waves reaching to audience next came  Television with more effects on viewers. This era saw the mediums to be state controlled effecting us as per the regulations and dictates they allowed. Then with onslaught of Private TV channels and FM radio stations the medium expanded with more opinion builder effecting us. Being run by private companies and individuals it was easy to get a certain opinion drifted to a more specific centered idea, thus targeting the audience and viewers what they made them to believe as common man gets whatever is feed to his eyes and ears without Analysis. Here Propaganda and media Hype comes in  for opinion fixation and   to broader the viewership.
In Pakistan where Media esp the electronic media is still at infant stages however lacks Positive responsible attitude. THANKS to social media along with individual excess to internet like the article you are right on, individuals have got  a platform to discuss ,analyse and the comprehend what ever is Info is feed to them.
Recently i visited one of the southern city where as per the Media its "war going on" , all time focusing on killings, terrorist activities and mismanagement. Max air time it is discussed negative making people opinion to be the utmost unsafe place in Pakistan. i am talking about Quetta where with my own eyes i saw crowds rushing to the picnic spots, Markets over crowded and traffic on regular flow, thats how i saw Quetta. But what our opinion is made by media is a constant fire on, airing only Negative
We as individuals should keep a constant eye on Hype Versus Reality by using variety of mediums and links before finally making up our mind on a particular issue. Its like we must have our brain anti-Virus software constantly ON.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Pakistan: Declining Joint Family Structure

Pakistan: Declining Joint Family Structure: S ince stone age humans developed the pattern to live in a group of two or three nucleus family where the women used to care f...

Declining Joint Family Structure

             Since  stone age humans developed the pattern to live in a group of two or three nucleus family where the women used to care for household and the men used to be away in search of food. In a single Nucleus family where two adults live together with their off-springs  it was difficult  for both to remain alone either in the house or away for hunting, this bounded two or three Nucleus families to be together. With the passage of  time when humans developed enough ability to construct a shelter as to house his nucleus family , humans were free from the fear of being alone. By this time the family structure extended to include the three to four generations as grandpa, pa, son and also extended to incl brothers, sisters,uncle,aunties and cousins.since ages the Family system remained so sharing economic,social and other problems in a collective way.
              With the beginning of 18th century the no of births to a single family in US was seven which declined to two in 19th century.With the change in social fiber of US, where marriages diversified from men-women bondage to Gay, Lesbian, Single parent, adoptive parents to divorced ones. This along Women rights which empowered a women to be more effective in the workplace drifting her away from the Nucleus family primary  role were all the reason for the declining family structure in US and the west. Approx 14% men and 16% women live as single in US.
                 Industrialization, Urbanization and rapid economic activities have also shown their impact on family system in Pakistan. 1970 where the avg family consisted of nine members has reduced to six in the recent decade. Family consisted of three to four generation members have declined to two along with the Uncles,Aunties separating very early from the combined extended family system.